Now that I've made "prom" sound as lame as possible (i tried my very best and wikipedia helped too) lets see how many of you show up for this year's prom. :)
Anyways, I have decided to attend SMKCK's prom this year. And yes. I have also the daunting task of choosing the perfect date ahead of me. Obviously I have narrowed down my choices to two very good looking homosapiens.

haven't you heard? tranzvestites are a hit at proms

well then of course there's the mouth watering james lafferty...
Come to think of it...James is a better choice. The tranzvestite might get all the attention and probably even outshine the to be prom queen(me). NO I WILL NOT LET A SHE-MALE JEOPARDISE MY CHANCES OF BECOMING QUEEN OF THE PROMENADE. So it's settled then. James it is. Iam going to prom with One tree hill's hot husband...ain't I a lucky lass?
(a girl can dream lah)
You stole my mantra!
And I believe in Karma!
hahha....yes yana!! me gonna come prom with my hot date....whheeeeeeeeeee!!!! sorry lah kong. My blog name is everchanging k. Only for a lil will change in due time just like my hair. :) luv ya both
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