Tuesday, 1 April 2008

The F word

I think about my future a lot. And when I do, I get this very intense gut wrenching feeling inside of me because the uncertainty of it all is terrifying. The word school is no longer part of my thesaurus and because of that i get a lot of "WHATS YOUR PLANS FOR THE FUTURE?", "WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING TO DO NOW?" and the occasional "YOUNG GIRL, YOU ARE A BIG GIRL NOW". You know everytime I hear that last one, I have to restrain myself from stuffing a large fruit into his/her/ambiguous' mouth. It is kind of flattering to know that people actually care about how your life is going and if you're making the right decisions..but these people are elderly folk...which also means they're nosey..so no. Not flattering at all. I'm still undecided and confused. I've always been. I wanted to be Elmo when I was little ( at that time i was unaware that the one thing i aspired to be...was the one thing that would make me want to drown myself in a pool of toxic waste later in life) but that never worked out now did it? And then came the marine life phase. Funny how one movie on a lovable orca whale inspired me to become a marine biologist and another film on an oversized shark made me go " HELL NO!! ". I wanted to be a vet after that. Until I saw Cujo. Kidding. I have four dogs so, Im pretty sure dogs like that don't exist. I still want to be a vet but the problem is I love canines too much to actually have to deal with sick ones everyday. And I shutter at the thought of having to put one to sleep. If I dont decide now I'll end up being the unemployed lady with 99 cats even before I reach the age of 40. And cat ladies are usually 80 something. Damn it. At this point, Iam willing to ask anyone for help because being in a state of confusion is something I refuse to linger in any longer!! You know what, I'm going to ask someone's opinion right now. Maybe I'll ask jeeves. Yes Iam going to ask jeeves. Asking jeeves is the perfect solution. Damn Im one smart cookie.

Oh and if you want to hear a really depressing story worst than the ones you hear on Oprah. You might want to continue reading. I have completely lost track of time because I rot myself to death at home these days. But I've failed to realise how severe my condition is until today. I found out that today happens to be le premiere avril ( the 1st of april ) only when it was too late in the evening to prank anyone. God took away Aprils fools from me. That's a wee bit harsh dont you think? I have to wait another year. I WISH I HAD SCHOOL TODAY. Oh the joy I would get out of watching kong's face on the floor :)

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